
Maple Syrup Fancy Glass Maple Leaf


Inspired by the sugar maple tree leaf, grade A pure Michigan Maple Syrup in Fancy Glass Maple Leaf Jars are as beautiful as they are tasty. Perfect for display or gift giving.


About Maple Syrup Fancy Glass Maple Leaf by Doodles Sugarbush, LLC

Inspired by the sugar maple tree leaf, Maple Syrup in Fancy Glass Maple Leaf Jars are as beautiful as they are tasty. Only the finest Grade A Michigan maple syrup is packaged into these glass containers making them perfect for display or gift giving. Available in 50ml and 250ml maple leaf glass jars.

Made entirely from the sap of Michigan northern sugar maple trees, 100% pure maple syrup is a true delicacy of nature.

  • 100% Pure Maple Syrup
  • Fancy Maple Leaf Glass Jars.
  • Great for gift giving.
  • Perfect on pancakes and waffles.
  • A long shelf life of 2 years.

If you’re interested in a more robust maple flavor, please visit the Grade B product listing.

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Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs

50ml, 250ml


Doodle's Sugarbush

Doodle's Sugarbush prides themselves in using only the highest standards available to make superior 100% pure Michigan maple syrup and other fine maple delicacies. In addition to making maple syrup, Doodle's Sugarbush also specializes in making maple candies, maple sugar, maple seasonings and spices, to name a few. The attractive packaging and high quality maple products will not only tempt your taste buds with a unique “taste of Michigan,” but also makes a great gift!

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