Cashmere Hands Skin Conditioner Glycerin Soap with True Colloidal Silver


Cashmere Hands Skin Conditioner Glycerin Soap with TRUE Colloidal Silver deeply cleans and moisturizes. Relieve the itching and soothe skin irritation with antibacterial colloidal silver soap that promotes healing.


About Cashmere Hands Skin Conditioner Glycerin Soap with True Colloidal Silver

Relieve itching and soothe skin irritation with Colloidal Silver, a powerful and NATURAL antibiotic that promotes healing. Cashmere Hands Skin Conditioner Glycerin Soap with TRUE Colloidal Silver deeply cleans and moisturizes with four rich and highly effective skin softening oils. This colloidal silver soap soothes, heals, moisturizes, and cleanses the skin. Colloidal silver has antimicrobial properties to help in healing skin wounds and possible treatment for acne. It may provide relief from chronic skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, burns, and dermatitis. 3oz bar.

The naturally antibacterial properties of silver may help reduce irritation from conditions like acne or skin rashes. For those that suffer from chronic breakouts, silver soap benefits could be just what you need to feel confident about your skin.

What is True Colloidal Silver?
Colloidal Silver is a century old anti-bacterial healer that truly works. If you are unfamiliar with Colloidal Silver, do some research of it’s miraculous healing capabilities. They are so extensive, it would take chapters of writings to explain what it can and has done to cure infections, kill viruses and fungus. It is an antibacterial and antiviral wonder – and effective.

Colloidal silver has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years and has been used by many ancient civilizations as a means to maintain health. Before the mainstream discovery and acceptance of antibiotics in the early 1900’s, silver products were used by doctors. These earlier versions of silver products are not to be discounted because they indeed provided countless favorable benefits to those who used them to improve their health.

All the Benefits Without the Blue
Not every colloidal silver product is the same. As a result of this extensive research, they have learned a lot about silver and how it functions. Through months of development, Cashmere Hands created a miracle product so that a user can experience results immediately!

Colloidal silver is also used for skin conditions including rosacea, cradle cap (atopic dermatitis), eczema, impetigo, and psoriasis. Colloidal silver can also be applied directly to the skin for acne, burns, eye infections, fungal infections, skin infections, and Staphylococcus infections.

How does Colloidal Silver work?
Colloidal silver can kill certain germs by binding to and destroying proteins – read information about True Colloidal Silver.

Cashmere Hands is so confident in its ability to heal damaged skin, we are offering you a FREE True Colloidal Silver Cashmere Hands Cream! Get FREE Cashmere Hands Skin Conditioner . This offer is only good for one free sample jar per household.

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Weight 0.4 lbs


Cashmere Hands  

Enjoy life without dry, cracked hands and feet with Cashmere Hands Skin Conditioner with True Colloidal Silver. With a base of true colloidal silver and vitamin fortified skin softeners, this skin cream is the finest hand and foot conditioning cream in the world. True Colloidal Silver is a century old anti-bacterial healer that truly works. If you are unfamiliar with Colloidal Silver, do some research of it’s miraculous healing capabilities.

Lectra Labs

Colloidal Silver is nature's ancient alternative to cold and flu medicine! Lectra Lab's Colloidal Silver is made right here in Michigan to the highest quality standard and lowest nano particle size of pure silver in the industry. Available in 10PPM and 20PPM using STRUCTURED distilled water, making conventional colloidal silver obsolete.

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